Monday, May 31, 2010

More Mori is Fat Facts

1. Mori is so fat, that if you er.... er.... nevermind.
2. Mori is so fat, he can slam a revolving door.
3. Mori is so fat, that he might die.
4. No, seriously, he might die!
5. Mori weighs five broken scales.
6. Mori is so fat, his muscle to weight ratio can only be explained in irrational complex numbers. Because he's fat.
7. Mori is so fat, that when he gets a cut, he bleeds milkshakes.
8. Mori is so fat, that when he rolls over in bed, he burns his ass on the lightbulb.
9. Mori is so fat, that he enjoys the company of men.
10. Mori is so fat, that if you saw a fat person, Mori would be fatter than them!

By Marco HJ and Tom M

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